Follow all your favorite animes and mangas with MALClient. This app uses MyAnimeList, one of the biggest anime compilations on the web, to make it possible to watch your favorite series, get recommendations and check out the latest releases from your smartphone.
Simply log in with your MyAnimeList (also known as MAL) username and password to view and edit all the shows you've been watching on the website from the comfort of your Android device. MALClient has all the same great features of the MyAnimeList website, but perfectly adapted to smaller screens.
This app organizes all the series into various categories, including the current season's releases, highly rated series, your favorites, and more. On top of that, you can get personalized recommendations, view user reviews, or read the almost endless number of articles written by the site's staff.
On top of all that, this content-packed app even has a new releases calendar, so you can easily check when new episodes are available. MALClient is one of the best options available for following all your favorite animes and finding new shows to watch.